Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Could someone please send me some free yugioh cards?


I have seen a lot of my friends play yugioh for years and i still have no cards. my parents wont buy me any because they dont have a lot of money. I was hoping that someone would be kind enough to send me some free yugioh cards. Please contact me at gojeta25@gmail.com

Thank you.

Could someone please send me some free yugioh cards?
If your parents dont have a lot of money, how are you on the computer? Computers cost a lot of money and you have to deal with internet fees every month, if your parents cant afford to give you four dollars for a pack of cards then I should call social services then.
Reply:Solicitation is not allowed on Yahoo! Answers.

Don't ask for cards online! Giving your address away is dangerous. Instead, you should ask your friends for some cards. If they're really your friends they'll give you some fairly decent cards for free.

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