Thursday, May 20, 2010

What are the effects of the Egyptian God Cards in yugioh ?

what is the attack and effects of all 3 god cards

What are the effects of the Egyptian God Cards in yugioh ?
Winged Dragon Of Ra:

ATK: ????

DEF: ????

Effects: The 3 monsters tributed for this card, the atk and def are added up making the total atk and def of Ra. example: monster: 1000/1000 monster 2: 500/500 monster 3: 500/500, Ra would have 2000/2000. You can take atk and/or def from Ra and add it to your LP or you can give your life points and add them to Ra's atk and/or def. You can tribute a monster and add its atk and def to Ra.

Obelisk The Tormentor:

ATK: 4000

DEF: 4000

Effects: You can tribute 2 monsters to destroy all your opponents monsters.

Slifer The Sky Dragon:

ATK: 0

DEF: 0

Effects: The amount of cards in your hand is x1000 to Slifer's atk and def. Example: 3 cards= 3000/3000. If a monster with the defense of 2000 or less is summoned on the next turn Slifer is summoned it is destroyed (unless its face down)
Reply:the winged dragon of ra: tribute three monsters on ur side of the field and increase the attack of the winged dragon of ra by combining the attack of the three monsters u tributed.

obelisk the tormentor:4000 atk

sliffer the sky dragon:power the atk points for each card in ur hand.
Reply:Obelisk has 4000/ATK and 4000/DEF You can tribute 2 monsters to give obelisk infinite atk

Slifer has X000/ATK X000/DEF for each card in your hand he gets 1000 atk and def. Every time your opponent summons a monster it gets destroyed by Slifer's second mouth!

Ra gets the ATK of the three monsters you sacraficed for him all aded up. you can also pay 1000 Life points to activate his effect and raise his ATK
Reply:They is powerfull!! Way more than pokimon!!

ZOMG My Egyptian God Card could whoop yours any day of the week!

for shoe lasts

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