Monday, May 24, 2010

I got 303 Yugioh cards?

I got 303 yugioh cards. my friend wants to buy them. how much should i sell them to him for?

Theres rare, common, uncommon, etc..

I got monsters, spell, traps, yupp lol

I got 303 Yugioh cards?
IF he's (she's) your good friend, give it to him as a present seems like you don't want the i wouldnt ask him to pay for the heck of it...i mean hes ur friend and all...but yeah...friends use each other and all that...

Overall...assuming that none of the cards are holofoil and considering that yugioh is not as popular as it is nowadays...I'd say around $20-$35...i mean for god's sake its just a piece of rectangular paper with pictures and words on it...

...sorry...sometimes i can get crazy =)
Reply:Commons are usually 10-50 cents depending on what they are, and rares generally run between 1-4 bucks, except in some cases (like Cyber Dragon) where you'd want to check eBay.

For holograms, check eBay listings.

Then cut a percentage off the total for the buyer being your friend, and you're set. Either that, or save the trouble and give the cards to your friend as a birthday present or something.
Reply:depends on rarity
Reply:The price depends on what the cards are and what rarity they are.
Reply:For anyone to know how much you should charge him you should really post the cards that you have on the net. Also put next to them what rarity they are. That will make it much easier to know how much your friend should pay.

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