Thursday, May 20, 2010

What are the top 100 best yugioh cards?

My friend, there isn't a top 100 Yu-Gi-Oh cards. It would be impossible to create one and there is no top 100 Yu-Gi-Oh cards on the internet.

I can name the top ten being played at this moment of time (Courtesy of Beckett Yu-Gi-Oh Collector Magazine):

1. Cyber Dragon

2. Smashing Ground

3. Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

4. Uria, Lord of Searing Flames

5. Dark Magician Of Chaos

6. Mirror Force

7. Morphing Jar

8. Enemy Controller

9. Zaborg the Thunder Monarch

10. Pot of Avarice

Honorable Mention: Big Shield Guardna


Please ignore the people above who think Yu-Gi-Oh is old and for little children, as they are incorrect. I'm 14 and play Yu-Gi-Oh regularly at tournaments and with friends. It's a great game. I'm even ranked 9th in my county.

Yu-Gi-Oh is still going strong. Over 3 million people play the game worldwide. Around 300,000 of those people are from England itself. So before you guys above flame, think about why you are wrong and just saying a load of lies.

Thank You.


I hope this helps you.

What are the top 100 best yugioh cards?
100! man i'll tell you the best the god cards, exodia, master

knight dragon,dark magicain of chaos,blue eyes ultimate thats

all i got to tell you i have obelisk and slifer someone jacked my

Reply:the gods exodia 5 god dragon dark migacian of chaos scyber end dragon blue eyes shining blu eyes ultimate red eyes black metal b skull dragon gren maju de eiza the magnet worrairs red eyes black dragon the lord cards ect i have 200 of the rarest cards i have 10 sets of gods thogh there pretty much cheating..... and if i counted my cards probbaly a couple million ive been collecting for 5 years but my mom wont buy anymore i only have the ones from kaiba and yugi moto times my mom wont buy the elemental hero ones and such
Reply:purple eyes green dragon with a yellow tail and brown feet and red toe nails and grey claws with three fairy sisters next to it with a pet cheetah/lion hybrid and a Neo from the matrix. im selling ti on ebay for 13.50.
Reply:i dont know

and how old r u man?
Reply:The only one i know is Blue Eyes or something like that.
Reply:WHO CARES? yugioh is so 5 years ago. no one does that any more.
Reply:eww tu-gi-oh its old man not a lot of ppl play it now!
Reply:no one plays yu-gi-oh, no one likes it, so give up! stop collecting

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